
I’m Jonah Probell.

You can reach me at (first name)@probell.com


My resume is available on LinkedIn.

I am a professional investor in the genetic engineering revolution.

I began my career long ago as a chip designer. Eventually I found my way to managing the patent portfolio for an AI software company. I love startup companies. I have worked for 7. Two went public. I did not get extremely wealthy, but it was enough to begin as an investor.

I paused to study the history of humanity's compounding development of technologies. Language, agriculture, metals, mechanical devices, carbon fuels, electricity, radio, space. I have lived through four important compounding waves.

Most thinkers on the subject forecast that the next tech wave will be in the engineering of living things. That includes, people, plants, and microbes. Gene tech. It will be applied to these purposes.

There are already thousands of gene tech startup companies working magic. The greatest constraint on bringing their innovations to the world is the amount of money being invested in gene tech startups.

My objective is to ensure that mine and my investing partners' money is invested in the ones with the greatest chance of creating the greatest value to people. I am proud to work, constantly, to do that.


I seek to broaden my horizons. I often learn everything that I can about something new. Wikipedia is my favorite web site. I enjoy writing and teaching because that's the best way to learn.

I love that I have diverse friends and acquaintances. I view strangers as friends that I have yet to meet. I enjoy helping others. I like challenging dogma with reason. I will take either side for the sake of a good debate.

I enjoy cycling and tend a fine garden. I watch live theater but not television. I like cloudy weather and wind. I am selective about what organizations I join.

I love to travel, have spent time in most US states and many nations, and have a friend in each one. Though I wander, I spend most of my time in Silicon Valley, the world's largest magnet for innovators.

I enjoy trying new languages, but I know only one fluently. Lately, I am studying Mandarin and reading traditional Chinese characters. I enjoy limericks, wordplay, thoughtful sayings, and general trivia. I like studying maps and have a good sense of direction. I drive a stick shift and can back up a trailer.

If your name is Probell, please let me know, especially if you are interested in having an email address ending in @probell.com. Otherwise, just enjoy this site.


Here is a list of some things that I have written. You can also search for me on Google Scholar and Google Patents. Lately, I have found tweeting to be a more efficient format for writing.

Good luck